


Fri 26 April - 2024

If you sense sudden changes, if not breakthroughs, are in the air, you’re right. While some are easily recognisable for what they are, as many could seem as unwelcome as they are unexpected. Still, explore these. What seems least likely initially could, within a short time, turn into a welcome surprise.


Sun 21 April - 2024 To Sat 27 April - 2024

It’s not that you avoid making changes or, in fact, exploring new ideas. As an inquisitive Aquarius, you thrive on discovering and discussing these. However, with the foundation on which certain arrangements are based in flux, changes are as frequent as, often, they are unexpected. Once you’re aware of that, you’ll ensure that both your attitude and arrangements are flexible.


April - 2024

You’re not only sociable by nature, you’ve a talent for either being acquainted with exactly the right person or settings that will lead you to who or what is next. The challenge? You won’t always recognise the promise in these, and so could ignore what’s in your best interests. The solution? Explore absolutely everything, from chance encounters to bizarre offers. While some will pass as swiftly as they arose, others – and, often what’s least expected - will become a lasting, and powerful, part of your life. 

Year to Come


Few things excite you more than hearing about exciting changes or new ideas. However, during 2024, you’ll be making them part of your life, often swiftly. Forget about negotiation. Instead, plunge in, knowing you can back out if it seems wise. Still, you’ll soon exchange those doubts for enthusiasm, even regarding dramatic shake-ups