


Sat 27 July - 2024

Many would agree that, as an Aries, you benefit from an envious ability to focus on both achieving goals that matter to you but, equally, you try to ensure those around you know how much you care. Recently you’ve been so busy you’ve neglected them. Now, finally, you’ve an opportunity to make up for lost time.


Sun 21 July - 2024 To Sat 27 July - 2024

Having invested a lot of time, energy and, in some cases heart, in certain plans, you’re in no mood to rethink them. However, that’s exactly what’s needed, and in a range of settings and situations. The challenge? Slowing your pace enough you can deal with even dull details, ideally in the necessary depth. Once you’ve dealt with that, the rest will be surprisingly swift and easy.


July - 2024

For ages you’ve intended to rethink the practical side of life, from how you spend time with to how wisely you use your resources. But now, with the Sun and your ruler Mars both accenting such matters, those decisions are pressing. While some are clear cut, as many will require serious thought if, not the advice of those who’re better informed than you. Make seeking their wisdom a priority. After that, the rest of those decisions will be easier to make.

Year to Come


As a restless fire sign, you thrive on action. However, 2024 introduces new, and exciting, encounters. Some broaden your horizons via activities, others, the people you meet. The challenge? You won’t always recognise how you’ll benefit from those activities, studies or even time spent with certain individuals. It’s about plunging in, and allowing experience to guide you. What’s least expected could turn out to be best.