


Fri 19 April - 2024

While, as an imaginative Cancerian, you’ve a gift for understanding what’s behind both the obstacles that are slowing plans, and the negative attitude of the individuals involved, finding a solution is quite another matter. Do nothing. This isn’t your problem. Others know what’s needed. They just need to take that first step.


Sun 14 April - 2024 To Sat 20 April - 2024

As an intuitive Cancer, the odds are good your powerful instincts have prepared you for the exciting twists and turns you’re facing. The challenge? While most are exciting, organise plans but ensuring both the arrangements and your thinking are flexible enough you can make frequent changes. Explore absolutely every option, show interest in what’s promising but avoid commitments. There are plenty more yet to come. Be patient. By midmonth you’ll be juggling ideas and offers as unexpected as they are promising.  


April - 2024

You’ve long been aware certain arrangements, personal, involving others and some purely practical, would have to be reorganised, if not substantially altered. While the past months’ efforts have achieved little, the powerful eclipsed New Moon on the 8th, triggers events that get things going. The challenge? Don’t over-plan. Allow destiny to take its course. Within a short time, you’ll realise what seems least promising could lead to miraculous results and, better yet, the resulting discussions draw you closer to those who matter most. 

Year to Come


During 2023 you rethought elements of your life, and often made dramatic, although often deeply personal, changes. You’re now benefitting. While often this is clear, other situations remain in flux. Being patient isn’t easy, but each month’s progress reassures you the wisdom of this strategy. A major reorganisation? For now, wait, watch and, when possible, declutter your life.