


Thu 25 April - 2024

It may be unlike you to abandon your responsibilities and leave important decisions in the hands of others. However, the more you explore what and who is involved, the clearer it is that you really can’t do this alone. What’s more, simply talking things over with those involved will do wonders for everybody’s spirits.


Sun 21 April - 2024 To Sat 27 April - 2024

As a Leo, long ago you learnt the art of using your charms to win others over to your way of thinking or plans. Yet with the foundation on which they’re based shifting, you’re better off keeping both any arrangements and, equally, those plans flexible. While this could mean facing yet more tedious discussions, be patient. The ideas, options and encounters that emerge will be well worth waiting for.


April - 2024

Having invested a lot of time, energy and, in many ways, ‘heart’ in recent arrangements, you’ve no interest in rethinking things. However, between changes in circumstances and vital, but irritating, discussions with others, it’s becoming increasingly clear that you’ll be far better off going with the flow. This isn’t just about being flexible regarding decisions but, also, broadening your horizons via those you meet and the activities, places and people they bring into your life. You’ll soon wonder why you hesitated for even a moment. 

Year to Come


Although most Leos have a dramatic side, you work hard to ensure the rest of your life is stable and, in fact, often battle changes. So it’s vital you know this year’s many twists and turns are timely, often leading to thrilling, although unexpected, progress. If you can’t say ‘yes’, at least explore what, and who, comes your way. The more you learn, the more enthusiastic you’ll be. Better yet, shake-ups lead to thrilling encounters and activities.