


Sat 27 July - 2024

Usually, the period when Mercury, the planet of ideas and communication, is retrograde, gets a lot of attention. While it continues in reverse motion until early August, you’ve been wrestling with a range of more complicated issues. The good news is, these are nearly resolved, and in early August, Mercury will no longer be retrograde.


Sun 21 July - 2024 To Sat 27 July - 2024

True, astrologically you are, quite rightly, often regarded as a deft peacekeeper. However, another side of your nature thrives on life’s battles. While some are so discreet only you are aware when they arise or of their outcome, at the moment several involve certain individuals who’re struggling to ignore them. This is where you, as a tactful Libra, come in. Suggest a few manoeuvres and, within days, those dramas will be history.


July - 2024

After lengthy and, often, frustratingly puzzling discussions with others regarding future plans, you’re no closer to anything lasting. The solution? Forget about discussion and plunge in, ideally without saying a word. Those around you will be relieved, which in turn makes it clear they’ve wanted you to organise these, and other plans all along. Knowing that, proceed with several equally unsettled plans, it will be a huge relief to you and everybody else.

Year to Come


As much as you enjoy chatting with others about things to do and places to go, actually turning those ideas into plans can be challenging. Recently, certain events forced you to find a way, ideally without upsetting anybody.  Now that skill applies to new areas of your life and, equally, with those closest.