


Tue 23 April - 2024

Judging by the influence of the recent Full Moon, which roused concerns, enough others were struggling with their plans, life’s been chaotic. While you, as an adventurous fire sign, thrive on such dramas, not everybody enjoys them. In fact, certain individuals are struggling. Discuss their concerns frankly. It will mean a lot.


Sun 21 April - 2024 To Sat 27 April - 2024

Usually you’re the first to learn about and, often, try out exciting ideas or even explore seemingly far out activities. And that’s exactly what you’re urged to do now, and as you move into the coming weeks. While, as an inquisitive Sagittarius, you’re easygoing about even dramatic changes, certain individuals will need time to become accustomed to these. The sooner this begins, the better all around.


April - 2024

Being an inquisitive Sagittarius, you’re always interested in ideas, activities and encounters that will enrich your life. And with your ruling planet, Jupiter, accenting such matters since May of 2023, your world has become a broader, more exciting and, possibly, more profitable place. Now, the tide is shifting, and during Aprill you’ll begin to narrow your focus. Take it slowly. What you learn and who you meet in the process will benefit you now but, as you’ll note over the coming years, for the rest of your life. 

Year to Come


As an inquisitive fire sign, you’re always exploring everything from new ideas to potential changes. Yet during 2024, your focus is on rethinking elements of your lifestyle, where or how you live. The actual process is, itself, hugely informative. Also, encourage others to update you on options but ensure decisions are yours, and yours alone.