


Thu 25 April - 2024

You’ve faced and, mostly, dealt with a range of tricky situations. True, the Sun’s move into Taurus will have shifted the balance in your favour, but those shaky arrangements remain a source of concern. For now, back off. Wait and watch. Many of these, including those that are most worrying. Will resolve themselves.


Sun 21 April - 2024 To Sat 27 April - 2024

The Sun’s move into Taurus, on the 19th, began a cycle of questioning and exploration that, while timely, has led to an amazing and often unexpected series of discussions. Some are about making changes in existing arrangements, while others would involve venturing into unfamiliar territory. For now, explore everything. What you learn will, alone, be amazingly informative, now and in the future.


April - 2024

Unexpected as early April’s events are, it’s clear they’ll lead to changes. While some are, admittedly, timely you’ve been doing all you can to avoid even discussing others. However, the events triggered by the eclipsed New Moon, on the 8th, corner you into at least exploring these. The secret? Instead of researching the facts for yourself, ask those who’ve gotten involved in similar situations what worked and what didn’t. This won’t just be informative, it will broaden your horizon in wonderful, if unexpected, ways. 

Year to Come


Being ruled by the planet of harmony and beauty, Venus, life’s about living well and creating harmony with those around you, at home and out in the world. However, certain exciting, but unsettling, changes began last year continue during 2024. While, initially, they’ll seem disruptive, you’ll soon recognise them as breakthroughs, and decide to go with the flow. Adopt this approach with sudden ideas or offers, too, and you’ll soon be broadening your horizons in wonderful ways.