


Fri 26 April - 2024

Long ago you learnt that, despite the good intentions of certain individuals, their priority is getting things done swiftly, which means they not only make countless errors, they don’t even notice. The secret? Find tasks that are about action, not accuracy. They’ll be happy and your worries will vanish overnight.


Sun 21 April - 2024 To Sat 27 April - 2024

While there’s no way you can sidestep the confusion triggered by your ruler Mercury’s retrograde, or reverse movement in the heavens, the odds are good you’ll learn a lot from the process of untangling those difficulties. The secret? First, be patient. This gives you time to investigate ways to learn from the process of untangling those problems. The resulting insights will be amazingly informative, now and in the future.


April - 2024

The pivotal Virgo Full Moon may have taken place on 24 February, but who you encountered and what you discussed then has led to profitable, if often unexpected, twists and turns, and in several areas of your life. Now that you’re looking back on these, you’re spotting how worthwhile seemingly pointless changes were. This process continues, but with a growing clarity about what and who will become an important part of the plans you’re currently making - and those for the future as well. 

Year to Come


Over much of 2023 you’ve been busy, rethinking elements of your own life and lending others a hand with similar changes. Now the pace slows, and you’ve time to talk, enjoy but, also, to review those arrangements. The secret? Take it slowly. During 2024, life’s about exploration, not decision-making.