


Tue 22 October - 2024

Every once in a while, you realise that not everybody shares your standards, especially when it comes to making, and keeping, promises. When you agree to do something or be somewhere, that’s exactly what happens. Certain individuals don’t feel that way, and never will. The sooner you accept that, the better.


Sun 20 October - 2024 To Sat 26 October - 2024

Usually, you're the one others come to for advice, and in a wide range of situations, from issues involving those closest to practical decisions, especially those involving others. The secret? Regard those decisions as a trial run, if not an experiment you can rethink as frequently as necessary.


October - 2024

The range of peculiar, if not puzzling, plans and decisions others were making during much of September were so worrying that, often, you took over. While you were discreet then, as October begins, suddenly you’re shouldering the actual arrangements. This leads to yet more decision-making. The secret? Be bold yet ensure plans are flexible. That’s important this month, but will be essential during the rest of this year and as you move into 2025.

Year to Come


Over much of 2023 you’ve been busy, rethinking elements of your own life and lending others a hand with similar changes. Now the pace slows, and you’ve time to talk, enjoy but, also, to review those arrangements. The secret? Take it slowly. During 2024, life’s about exploration, not decision-making.